As schools resume, 14,600 Rangwe pupils receive bursaries totaling Sh50 million.
In the Rangwe constituency, almost 14,600 students from low-income and disadvantaged households have benefited from the bursary provided by the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).
The learners’ studies will be supported by the Sh50 million bursary grants, which would also enable them to continue their study as the second term of classes begins.
According to Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo, students in secondary schools, colleges, and universities were among the benefactors.
According to her, education has become essential to human existence and is now necessary for all children to receive in order to live better lives and advance in society.
In today’s society, education has emerged as one of the fundamental human requirements. Gogo stated that education is necessary for children to have a better grasp of and assimilation into society.
Speaking at the constituency’s Asumbi Girls High School disbursement, the MP stated that they are assisting students’ education in order to contribute in the fight against the triple threat.
The triple danger consists of new HIV infections, underage pregnancy, and violence against women and girls.
One of the Homa Bay County constituencies with a high triple threat frequency is Rangwe.
Among the top three counties with the highest rates of teen pregnancies and new HIV infections is Homa Bay. Because of the high poverty index, SGBV is likewise high.
According to Gogo, the greatest method to combat social vices is to keep students from low-income households in schools.
Our goal is to improve our children’s future by assisting with their education. We’re advising the beneficiaries to focus on their studies,” the representative stated.
Gogo, escorted by Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga on Sunday, implored the State to think about augmenting the NG-CDF allocation.
As NG-CDF, every Kenyan constituency is given up to sh130 million.
The majority of them use it to fund needy students’ fees as well as school development.
Gogo said that NG-CDF reaches outlying areas within various constituencies.
“NG-CDF should receive more funding due to the advantages it provides for the populace. The monies are in higher demand,” Gogo continued.
Gogo said that more than Sh72 million worth of bursaries had been sought for by citizens in her district.
“In order to ensure that the majority of applicants receive some funding for their study, we have to lower the amount of money we grant college and university students from sh10,000 to sh7000,” she stated.
Wanga urged teenage pupils to continue their hard work and discipline in the classroom.
One of the biggest issues facing teenagers in Homa Bay, according to Governor Wanga, is early sexual debut, something her administration is working to address.
She stated that teens must make a commitment to focus solely on their education in order to completely treat the habit.
Teenagers attending music clubs and disco matanga is a problem that we find difficult to manage. The governor declared, “This has to stop because it takes two to tangle.”
As schools resume, 14,600 Rangwe pupils receive bursaries totaling Sh50 million.
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