CS Machogu Announces Extension of Second Term Calendar Ahead of School Reopening.
Students should prepare for a longer second term due to the nationwide school reopening being delayed.
Ezekiel Machogu, cabinet secretary of the Ministry of Education, said the change will have an impact on the closing dates to make up for the lost time. The upcoming national exams won’t be impacted by the adjustments, which will be revealed later.
Speaking on Thursday, the CS stated that 95% of the schools were prepared for reopening following a tour of numerous Nairobi schools to determine the degree of infrastructure damage prior to the start of classes again on Monday.
A few chosen schools who were negatively impacted by the intense rains and flooding will, however, reopen later.
He declared that everything was under control and mentioned that the 47 counties’ regional directors of education had been sending out regular information on the state of the educational institutions.
Because to the intense rains, the second term was moved up to May 13 by two weeks.
The floods that have killed over 200 people and displaced thousands more—many of whom have sought shelter in educational institutions—have wrecked the infrastructure of over 2000 schools.
In order to find other accommodations for the impacted individuals, field education officers stationed in areas where schools are housing displaced people have been collaborating closely with local administrations.
The term was scheduled to run from April 29 to August 2, with a three-week holiday from August 5–25 and a half-term break from June 20–23.
CS Machogu Announces Extension of Second Term Calendar Ahead of School Reopening.
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