Enact the Persons with Disability Act, Knut advises the State.
Malel Langat, the First Vice National Chairman of the Kenya National Union, has urged the government to advance the welfare of people with disabilities (PWD).
According to Langat, Knut was one of the first government organizations to mainstream people with disabilities (PWD) into the senior ranks.
“Cognisant of the fact that not all our learning institutions have environmentally friendly and disability compliant facilities, we continue advocating and agitating for the rights of teachers and learners with disabilities as enshrined in Article 54 of the Constitution of Kenya,” said a Knut official.
PWDs, according to Langat, have a right to a safe workplace as well as accessible workspaces for learning.
He noted that not having this leads to a lot of difficulties in their area of work and education, and he added that the union is working with the employer and other stakeholders to find solutions.
“Our elected officials on this constituency are soon being trained on how to handle these areas effectively and we shall have them cascade these trainings to our members as Training Of Trainers(TOTs),” said Langat.
He gave a speech over the weekend at the Greenwood Resort in Eldoret at the introduction training for Knut Chepkoilel Branch Executive Committee (BEC) members.
Furthermore, Langat fervently implored Members of Parliament to enact the ongoing Persons with Disability legislation.
He noted that the union has expressed worry over the tardy enactment of disability laws for the umpteenth time.
He bemoaned that the government was hurrying through other Amendment Bills, some of which were punitive and others of which were retrogressive, rather than passing laws for people with disabilities.
“The government is busy fast-tracking Amendment Bills in the labour, education and TSC sectors but delays PWD legislations hence affecting the realisation of rights of challenged persons and Learners With impairments,” he stated.
According to Langat, because the legislative evaluation started a long time ago and is still pending, PWDs have had to wait for far too long.
He stated that the legislation should be approved in order to advance the rights of people who are disabled.
“Members of the National Assembly should as a matter of urgency spearhead the process and progress of passing the Disability Bill 2023 and other draft laws which include but are not limited to Learners With Disabilities Bill and Sign Language Bill,” Langat stated.
Enact the Persons with Disability Act, Knut advises the State.
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