Green Card Application Results To Be Released On This Date.
Green Card Application Results To Be Released On This Date. The US State Department has announced that the eagerly awaited results of the DV-2025 Diversity Visa, also known as the Green Card Lottery, will be available starting on Saturday, May 4, 2024.
October 4, 2023, was the start date of the DV-2025 program application period, which closed on November 7, 2023.
The US embassy will arrange interviews for the selected participants. A US visa will only be awarded to those who successfully complete the interview process.
A bearer of the visa acquires all the privileges of lawful permanent residency in the US, including legal protection and rights under US legislation.
Additionally, The participant must possess either qualifying job experience or a high school degree, or its equivalent, in order to be eligible.
The DV-2025 program excluded eighteen countries from participation, with the US Department of State typically handling program administration.
Countries locked out include;
- Bangladesh,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- The People’s Republic of China (including mainland and Hong Kong-born),
- Colombia,
- Dominican Republic,
- El Salvador,
- Haiti,
- Honduras,
- India,
- Jamaica,
- Mexico,
- Nigeria,
- Pakistan,
- Philippines,
- Republic of Korea (South Korea),
- Venezuela,
- Vietnam.
According to the State Department, the reason the aforementioned nations were barred from entry was because over 50,000 of their citizens had moved to the US in the preceding five years.
Green Card Application Results To Be Released On This Date
Approximately 3,760 Kenyans were given the chance to immigrate to the US during the previous program. Of the 22,185,619 people who submitted their entries, this was one.
Only 55,000 of the 143,000 applicants from around the world who won the lottery were given visas to enter the United States.
The State Department states that winning the lottery does not ensure that one would be approved for a visa to enter the US; many of the successful candidates are frequently turned away since the department must reach the 55,000 threshold.
How to check
Applicants will require their year of birth, surname or family name, and confirmation number in order to find out if their application was accepted.
Once the State Department distributes the results, participants will need to access the website below to confirm the status of their application.
Green Card Application Results To Be Released On This Date.
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