How Teachers Lost Out in the New Phase TSC Payrise in C4, C5, D4, and D5.
Following the implementation of the first TSC and unions salary phase,it is not all that are enjoying the new Payrise since others have nothing to smoke about.
Some teachers in some cadres smile to the bank cashing their monthly in their new salaries courtesy of the signed Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
The first phase of the Teachers salary increment CBA was signed between the teachers’ employer Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and Kenya National Unions of Teachers (KNUT) .
The others involved in significant the agreement include the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) and also the Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET).
After the new salary review under CBA, five teacher pay grades among them C4, C5, D4, and D5 became losers since they did not receive any salary increment.
Teachers in Grade C4 and C5 salaries remained at sh sh52, 308 and sh62, 272 respectively .
Those in grade D4 and D5 salaries remain at sh114, 242 and sh131, 380 respectively.
Under the current Ongoing phase 1, winners are teachers in grade D1 whose salary increment is sh785 on top of what they get .
Those in grade B5 get a minimum pay rise of sh2, 074 on top of their salary which ranges from sh21, 756 and sh23, 830.
Teachers in grade C1 gets a salary Increment of sh 2 ,592 On top of their earning which increase earning to sh29, 797 from sh27, 195
In additional, those teachers in job group C2 get an increment of sh3, 331,moving their earning from sh34, 995 to sh38, 286.
On the other hand , those in D1 teachers get sh785 more moving their meanings from sh77, 840 to sh78, 625.
TSC teachers in D2 have a Payrise of sh1, 455 moving their earning from ks91, 041 to sh92, 496.
Teachers in Grade D3 get an increment of sh1, 399 pushing their earning from sh104, 644 to sh106, 043.
Finally those in C3 are earning a minimum wage of sh45, 671 up from sh43, 154 that they were earning before increment.
How Teachers Lost Out in the New Phase TSC Payrise in C4, C5, D4, and D5.
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