KNUT Appeals for Permanent Employment and Puts a Stop to TSC Internships.
The Employment and Labour Relations Court’s ruling that teacher internships are illegal has been warmly welcomed by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Makueni branch.
They urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to take into consideration employing those teachers on permanent and pensionable contracts, under the direction of Executive Secretary Benson Ndambuki.
Ndambuki questioned how the procedure was carried out, notwithstanding the excellent intentions. He maintained that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) need to hire instructors on a permanent basis from the start rather than introducing internships.
It is unacceptable, in Ndambuki’s opinion, to submit certified, fully qualified teachers to internships.
“A certified teacher as a whole shouldn’t be required to complete an internship,” Ndambuki stated.
Ndambuki acknowledged that teacher promotions had been completed, much to the dismay of many. He pointed out that TSC did not conduct interviews in accordance with global human resources standards.
Ndambuki voiced concern about teachers who had taught the same subject for seven to ten years and underlined that rights should not be disregarded.
It is really concerning that some teachers have not moved from one grade to another for seven or ten years. They ought to be taken into account, Ndambuki stated.
Ndambuki was not alone in feeling this way; Chairman Samuel Mulwa and Treasurer Winfred Nuni agreed.
KNUT Appeals for Permanent Employment and Puts a Stop to TSC Internships.
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