KNUT demands things of TSC while defending striking JSS teachers.
As junior secondary school intern teachers are now staging nationwide protests, the Kenya National Union of Teachers declared on Thursday that they will assume control of the job contract disputes.
The union further requests that the Teachers Service Commission retract all of the show-cause letters that it recently sent to the JSS interns’ non-attending teachers.
Teachers, in the perspective of Knut Secretary General Collins Oyuu, “to a wider extent are right.”
Millions of students are reportedly impacted by the demonstrations and standoff between the JSS interns and their employer, according to Oyuu.
He said that on behalf of the intern teachers, the union is prepared to oversee the return-to-work agreement with the company.
“Intern teachers although not employed on terms which make them unionisable, they are associate members as at Article III (15) of the Knut Constitution,” Oyuu explained.
He further requested that TSC create a structure to help resolve the conflict with interns in a cooperative manner.
Oyuu urged all of the “demonstrating teachers to report to their work stations immediately as Knut has already taken over the case” as the interns’ strike moves into its second week.
He declared that no teacher should suffer because they took part in the aforementioned demonstrations.
Interns are welcome at the union, according to the Knut boss.
“We would not wish to have them discriminated in any way simply because they have not been employed on permanent and pensionable terms and do not contribute to the union,” he continued.
instructors Service Commission has allegedly failed to align their employment terms with the Code of Regulations, particularly with regard to component V, according to Oyuu, who revealed that the instructors are complaining.
According to him, instructors should work as contract employees or on long-term, pensionable positions rather than as interns.
“TSC should never refer to teachers who have trained and qualified as interns,” Oyuu claimed.
Regarding the matter, Oyuu claimed to have already contacted TSC.
In order to recruit and hire instructors, Oyuu requested that TSC follow the 2015 Code of Regulations for instructors.
He aimed to find a peaceful solution to the standoff between TSC and the interns.
Oyuu further admitted that the court is considering the case.
“Agree to hand over the matter to Knut since the union has already demonstrated the interest to help find a lasting solution,” he pushed the interns, swallowing their pride in the process.
He said that the union has long suspected that TSC would eventually send the teachers show cause letters in order to start disciplinary proceedings against them.
“These educators have been served already, in fact,” Oyuu said.
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