List Of Teachers Promoted According To TSC And There Salaries.
According to the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), 36,505 tutors were promoted to higher grades, and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has published a list of these teachers.
The bulk of teachers were individuals who had been in the same work group for years when the interviews were finished in January 2024. TSC Secretary Nancy Macharia states that the commission will use one billion shillings to advance teachers in the 2024–2025 fiscal year. Moreover, 14,750 instructors received raises for the 2022–2023 fiscal year.
“The problem of stagnation in the teaching service will hopefully be over soon because we are getting funding from the Government to promote our teachers,” Macharia stated. “We have been allocated Sh l billion for promotion in the year 2024/25.”
In the past, TSC used recurrent expenditure to promote teachers in order to replace those who were leaving the service.
For the instructors’ benefit, we are not just replacing them this time but also receiving additional funding. Since TSC is the biggest employer in East and Central Africa, its influence on the nation’s educational system and overall well-being cannot be overstated, according to Macharia.
TSC asked educators from a range of backgrounds, including chief principals, senior principals, principals, deputy principals, senior lecturers, senior masters, secondary teachers I, head teachers, deputy head teachers, and senior teachers, to apply for promotions in 2023.
President Ruto had earlier asked TSC to elevate educators who had demonstrated excellence in extracurricular activities and academics from the previous year.
The TSC announcement states that the post with the most openings, Senior Master IV for job group C4, was Senior Teacher II for normal primary school at 11,519 in grade C2, Senior Teacher I at 3,386 in group C3, and Senior Teacher II for regular primary school at 11,519 in grade C2.
Additionally, the Commission was mandated to promote 1,928 secondary teachers I for regular schools and 1,930 deputy head teachers for regular schools, who are in job category C4.
Approximately 1,142 students were scheduled to be senior master III in job group C5, 1,057 deputy principal III in grade D1, 700 senior teachers II in Special Needs Education (SNE) primary school in grade C2, 547 deputy principal II in regular schools, and 541 principals in regular schools in grade D3.
34 more chief principals in group D5, 108 senior principals in D4, 541 principals in grade D3, 619 deputy principal II in D2, and 1,057 deputy principal III in D1 are also scheduled for promotion.
There will be a minimum of 140 promotions to Senior Master IV in grade C4 from Special Needs Education (SNE) schools, 43 promotions to Senior Master II (SNE) in grade D1, and 22 promotions to Senior Master I in grade D2.
The government declared last year that the largest group to benefit from the civil worker salary increase, which was to take effect on July 1, was teachers.
A 7–10 percent increase was declared by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) in August 2023, which was a relief for teachers who had been demanding a wage increase for the past two years. Following the government’s proposal, the highest-paid grade D5 teacher was to make at least Sh173,422, according to the proposed compensation increase for teachers.
Teachers in D5 would receive an increase of 7%, bringing their base pay of Sh131,380 to a minimum of Sh140,577.
If the percentage was 10%, a teacher earning Sh157,657 as base pay would receive a maximum of Sh173,422. If seven percent of grade B5 teachers were affected, their pay would increase from Sh21,756 to a minimum of Sh23,279, and if ten percent was affected, their pay would increase from Sh27,195 to a maximum of Sh29,915.
List Of Teachers Promoted According To TSC And There Salaries.
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