Newest Agreement To Benefit TSC Teachers in C4 and C5 Categories.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) have finally convened to discuss the promotion of 30,000 teachers, including C4 and C5 educators who have been employed for more than ten years.
The aforementioned teachers’ organization had voiced grave unhappiness about the dearth of promotions for more than 50,000 teachers in a variety of job categories, particularly C5 and C4, who have been stuck for a while.
In April 2024, during a Teachers Service Commission meeting in Naivasha, KUPPET announced a petition to the government to provide Sh1 billion to TSC so that 30,000 of the 50,000 teachers who have been in the same job group for a long time can be promoted immediately.
The current KUPPET Secretary-General (SG), Akelo Misori, announced that the C4 and C5 instructors will be the focus group.
Misori claims that these teachers will move to C5 and D1, respectively, giving the long-serving educators confined to Grade C3 more space to develop.
Since they had only been in the current grade for three years, about 7,400 C4 teachers, according to KUPPET, never received promotions during the 2023 and 2024 promotions.
Teachers are now anticipating the implementation of this TSC and union plan, which will help them advance in their careers while also increasing C4 and C5 salary.
Newest Agreement To Benefit TSC Teachers in C4 and C5 Categories.
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