Reasons for TSC’s PNP-based confirmation of JSS intern teachers.
Verification of PNP JSS Internship, The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was instructed by the Committee on Budget and Appropriations on Wednesday to designate all junior secondary school teachers who had worked as interns to full-time roles with pension benefits.
The committee’s head, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, announced that the project will receive adequate money from the government in the 2024–2025 fiscal year.
“I can ensure this house that there are now adequate resources to confirm the JSS interns into permanent and pensionable terms,” Ndindi Nyoro said.
Nyoro further directed TSC, in her function as chairwoman of the powerful committee, to hire each of the 46,000 interns who had been employed under the program.
Verification of PNP JSS Internship
The legislator went on to say that the TSC would have to hire the interns after the budget is passed in January 2025, which was against the original proposal.
“I would like to ask that the TSC expedite the interns’ confirmation as soon as the budget is passed, as you are allocating this money. Ndindi Nyoro remarked, “I would like to request this from this floor of this house.”
He continued by saying that the instructors have served the nation despite their low salary.
On Saturday, June 1, the intern teachers at Junior Secondary School opted to end their three-week strike by signing a return-to-work protocol. The parliamentary orders resulted from this.
On Monday, June 3, the instructors would return to work in accordance with the arrangement that was established on Madaraka Day.
As one of its concessions, TSC notably retracted all of the show-cause letters it had written to instructors for participating in the strike.
TSC further pledged to return teachers to their jobs who had been fired or had their wages withheld due to their involvement in the strikes.
A few JSS professors made the interesting decision to forego the signed return to work formula and instead indicated that they would only retool after receiving a permanent and pensionable job.
Reasons for TSC’s PNP-based confirmation of JSS intern teachers.
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