Salary and Benefits for TSC Secondary Teachers II, Phase 2, July 2024 (SNE).
Salary for TSC Secondary Teacher II Teachers under T-Scale 8 who work for the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) are referred to as Secondary Teachers II (SNE). Their monthly base pay is based on the wage point they have been allotted.
These educators’ base compensation currently ranges from Ksh. 44,412 to Ksh. 56,514 since they fall within six salary points.
These officers also receive an allowance grade of C3, which adds to their total monthly remuneration.
Note that the monthly salary for TSC Secondary Teacher II (SNE) on T-Scale 8 varies depending on their salary point, starting at 44,412 Kenyan Shillings for point 1 and increasing to 56,514 Kenyan Shillings for point 6.
Besides their monthly base salary, the TSC recruits are eligible for a C3 allowance grade, thus enhancing their total remuneration.
Monthly basic salary for Secondary Teacher II (SNE) on T-Scale 8 ranges from ksh. 44,412 to 56,514 per teacher
- sh 44,412 C3
- sh 46,645 C3
- sh 48,966 C3
- sh 51,383 C3
- sh53,896 C3
- sh 56,514 C3
The monthly House Allowance for SNE teachers categorized under T-Scale 8 is determined by their geographical location or duty station, thus resulting in varying monthly allowances.
TSC Secondary Teacher II Salary
Under this , there are four clusters at this level that specify the allowance, such as;
Cluster 1 that is (encompassing Nairobi City), which provides a monthly house allowance of Ksh 28,000.
On the other hand teachers in Cluster 4 (assigned to other municipal areas), the allowance is Ksh 14,055 per month.
Additionally, the SNE teachers on T-Scale 8 qualify for various supplementary allowances which include;
Hardship Allowance: Ksh 12,300 monthly, Monthly Commuter Allowance of Ksh 6,000 and SNE Annual Leave Allowance of Ksh 6,000.
These teachers also get monthly Disability Guide Allowance of Ksh 20,000
These allowances above are part of the mandatory requirements set by the TSC for the appointment of Secondary Teacher II (SNE) on T-Scale.
Inorder to be eligible for appointment, the educator needs to have worked as a Secondary School Teacher II at T-Scale 7 for at least three years.
These teachers should also hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or an equivalent qualification, accompanied by a Certificate/Diploma in Special Needs Education.
Furthermore, they must have received a satisfactory rating in the performance evaluation and completed the necessary Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules.
Also possessing a valid Teaching Certificate and meeting the criteria outlined in Chapter Six of the Constitution are essential requirements.
Secondary Teacher II (SNE) Salary and Allowances from July 2024
Salary and Benefits for TSC Secondary Teachers II, Phase 2, July 2024 (SNE).
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