Teachers Promoted From C2 To C3 With New TSC Beginning Salary.
TSC C3 Salary Scale. As per the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), C2 instructors are equivalent to a senior Teacher II’s promotion grade in the elementary school employment level.
After serving for a predetermined amount of time, these teachers are later promoted to Senior Teacher I under job group C3. According to TSC, in order to advance from job group to C3, an employee must have worked under grade C2 for three years.
For P1 instructors to move on to C3, they have to attend a promotion interview. On the other hand, promotion from C2 to C3 typically happens automatically for degree teachers.
Promotion Of Teachers Criteria
In an inclusive junior secondary system, TSC typically promotes elementary school teachers with a secondary choice degree to become secondary school teachers.
A primary school teacher needs to earn a C+ on the KCSE in order to pursue a secondary choice degree.
Furthermore, a C+ in each of the two subjects they are expected to teach is a requirement for certification as a secondary school teacher.
Promotional teachers from primary schools are transferred to junior secondary schools, where they begin teaching in grade C2.
This indicates that the C2 grade is a promotional grade for diploma holders.
During TSC hiring, all the diploma teachers are assigned to job group C1 , later after three years , the teachers are automatically promoted to C2.
TSC minimum and maximum salary for teachers promoted to C3 from C2 grades
The minimum salary paid to teachers under C2 is between sh 34, 955 to 43,694 maximum.
For teachers joining C3 , the minimum pay is sh 43,154 to sh 53943 maximum.
TSC monthly Commuter allowance
Grade Scale salary TSC Commuter Allowance monthly
B5 5 4,000
C1 6 4,000
C2 7 5,000
C3 8 6,000
TSC disability guide allowances
Grade Scale TSC Disability Guide Allowance p.m
B5 5 sh 20,000
C1 6 sh 20,000
C2 7 sh 20,000
C3 8 sh 20,000
TSC C3 Salary Scale
Annual Leave Allowances
Grade Scale TSC Annual Leave Allowance
B5 5 sh 4,000
C1 6 sh 4,000
C2 7 sh6,000
C3 8 sh 6,000
These teachers also teachers also receive monthly house allowance based on their job groups and place of work.
Teachers Promoted From C2 To C3 With New TSC Beginning Salary.
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