TSC Announces Teachers’ December Mass Recruiting
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to advertise their promotion vacancies for classroom teachers, for for financial year 2024 – 2025 in December.
Speaking during the supervision of KCSE 2024 exams, TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia said the Commission has been allocated 1 billion shillings for the promotion of teachers in this financial year.
Earlier, TSC advertised a total of 5,690 promotion vacancies for school administrators requiring applications to be made by 18th November 2024.
The Commission advertised vacancies for principal, deputy principal, headteacher, and deputy headteacher positions.
In December 2024, TSC is set to advertise thousands of promotion vacancies for classroom teachers. This will mostly touch teachers in grades C1 and C2.
In 2023, TSC advertised a total of 36,505 promotion slots for primary and post-primary school teachers for 1 billion shillings. The Commission received close to two hundred thousand applications from teachers.
Macharia said that TSC has been allocated 1 billion shillings for the promotion of teachers in December 2024. Of the 36,505 vacancies advertised in September 2023, 17,914 were for primary school teachers. The interviews for primary school teachers were done from 4th to 15th December 2023.
Secondary school teachers and Teacher Training College (TTC) tutors had their interviews running from 3rd to 16th January 2024.
This year, the application for promotion will be done online after which a list of shortlisted candidates will be released. TSC will issue Interview dates for caRequirements
- Original National ID Card
- Original Academic and Professional Certificates
- Letter of appointment to the current Grade
- Letter of appointment to the current post (where applicable)
- Analysed individual subject results in KCPE/KCSE Examinations for the last three years, certified by TSC County Directors/Sub County Directors
- Performance Appraisal Reports for the last three years
- Any other relevant testimonials supporting your performance
TSC Announces Teachers’ December Mass Recruiting