TSC CSO Grading System was made public.
TSC Grading System For CSO’s, The academic and professional requirements for curriculum support officers’ career growth are outlined in career progression guidelines (CPGs).
The rules establish a connection between an officer’s professional conduct and performance and career advancement.
The TSC Career Progression Guidelines took effect on September 11, 2019, and they replace the current Schemes of Service.
The Career Progression Guidelines will be automatically extended to all active curriculum officers.
The TSC CSO Career Progression Guidelines’ objectives
- to establish minimal standards for recruitment
- to provide a clear career structure that will draw in, inspire, and help retain competent and appropriately qualified workers;
- To establish clearly defined job descriptions and specifications with precise functions and obligations at all career levels, which will guarantee effective staff deployment, advancement, and utilisation;
- Provision of basic requirements for career advancement; Incorporation of human resource planning techniques to handle career progression and succession management;
- To set guidelines for hiring, training, and career promotion based on knowledge, competence, merit, experience, and ability as demonstrated by job performance and results; and
- a system for tracking and assessing career development.
The Curriculum Support Officers, or CSOs, are in responsible of:
- among other things
- determining the needs of instructors
- educating them
- giving them professional advice
- evaluating learning outcomes.
Additionally, CSOs watch over teachers’ conduct and performance, provide guidance on career advancement and professional development, collect and maintain teacher management data, and guarantee that they adhere to the established teaching standards.
There are four (4) grades of Curriculum Support Officers established under the Career Progression Guidelines, and they will be labelled and rated in the following ways:

TSC Grading System For CSO’s revealed
TSC CSO Grading System was made public.
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