TSC Eliminates BBF Deductions from KUPPET Members.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has stopped deducting the Burial Benevolent Fund (BBF) from the wages of any members of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET).
This is in response to a letter written to KUPPET Secretary General Akello Misori on May 21, 2024. Instead of Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia, Anyuor Cavin, Director of Legal and Industrial Relations for the Teachers Service Commission, signed the letter.
This letter refers to the petition that the Kuppet branch executive secretaries from five branches filed at the Employment and Labour Relations Court. The directors in question include;
Rotich, Paul Kipchumba
Lengoiyap William
Miano Roberto
Oluoch Peter
Ogola Jentrix
Jentrix Ogola’s payslip was included in the petition as supporting documentation, contesting the legitimacy of the KUPPET Burial Benevolent Fund deductions.
The Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) was further enjoined by the petition, in which the five parties requested that the commission look into the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) about these deductions.
Following discussions with the delegates in the KUPPET Annual Delegates Conference, which took place on April 3, 2024, and for which the resolution reference number was KUPPET/TSC/015/021, this deduction was put into effect.
The commission will now cease all BBF deductions for KUPPET in compliance with the letter issued by the commission, honoring the request of the KUPPET officials who requested the elimination of this deduction.
To ensure that a teacher who passes away has a dignified funeral, the instructors Service Commission (TSC) has been deducting money from instructors’ paychecks.
Since the money does not immediately benefit the instructor, the majority of the teachers who have been contributing have called it discriminatory.
During campaigns, some representatives of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers have also made their argument, arguing that the funds being raised do not support the teachers and that instead a fund should be established to support them while they are still living.
TSC Eliminates BBF Deductions from KUPPET Members.
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