TSC Gives The Following P1 Teachers Letters Sent Out In May 2024.
Updates on TSC P1 teachers: Per TSC plans, the third group of qualified PTE (P1 teachers) will start getting deployment letters to work in junior schools in May 2024, or the following month.
TSC reports that 6000 teachers will be placed in classrooms immediately after the Sub-County Directors have thoroughly examined their documentation.
However, the Commission will ensure that only certified educators have been assigned with valid papers by carefully going over the paperwork at the main office.
In January 2024, the TSC expressed concern about the severe teacher shortage junior secondary schools are currently experiencing.
TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia recognized the disparity, pointing out that schools employ 56,928 teachers at the moment, but a need of over 99,045 teachers exists.
As one of the measures to address the shortage, the commission offered 6,000 deployment spaces for primary school teachers with a secondary choice degree.
The online application deadline for these educators was March 18, 2024.
Successful teachers will start receiving posting letters to work in the junior secondary school division early in the next term, according to TSC.
The Commission states that teachers who fulfill the conditions can apply for the deployment until March 18, 2024.
As a result, primary school teachers who met the standards to teach in secondary schools and who applied to be sent to JSS will receive deployment letters.
Updates for teachers of TSC P1
In order to accelerate the payment of their salary, Sub County Directors and Primary Headteachers who release and receive deployed teachers must act promptly upon the teacher’s receipt of their deployment letter.
The Entry or Exit Reports Module is expected to be published by the County Directors to the Sub-County.
The TSC Sub-County Director will then post the letters that the P1 teachers wrote to JSS.
According to TSC, the Commission no longer collects or processes casualties in paper copy, thus deployed teachers must complete the entry and exit procedures online.
when the teacher is stationed at the same location.
It is expected that the Head of Institution will submit the revised Entry Report for the JSS and remove the instructor from primary school.
TSC Gives The Following P1 Teachers Letters Sent Out In May 2024.
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