TSC Guidelines for Appointing Teachers at TTC.
Instructors at Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) are typically appointed by TSC after fulfilling the prerequisites for providing teacher candidates with the methodological and pedagogical training needed to comply with Competency-based curricula.
The teacher’s employer claims that under T-Scale 8, these instructors are typically referred to as Lecturer I.
One must have at least three (3) years of experience in the service and be appointed as a teacher at TTC.
Furthermore, a great performance rating and a commitment to providing high-quality education are expected during the evaluation process.
TSC further anticipates that the teacher will adhere to the higher ethical standards found in the Constitution’s Chapter Six (6), which center on the principles of strong professionalism and integrity.
The instructor must also be able to meet any further requirements that the Commission may establish.
How to submit an application to be a TTC teacher
Make sure you meet the requirements for the positions you are interested in as soon as TSC announces that the slots are open.
Typically, the online application platform www.teachersonline.go.ke is used to complete the applications.
Make sure that all TSC applications are completed online as manual applications will not be taken into consideration.
Since TSC is an equal opportunity employer, people with a range of skill sets are highly encouraged to apply as soon as positions become available.
In order to be ready for their final meetings, interviewees who are found to be qualified typically need to provide legitimate Chapter 6 documentation.
TSC Guidelines for Appointing Teachers at TTC.
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