TSC Is Planning To Give This Teacher Category Higher Salary.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) revealed plans to increase the remuneration of recently promoted teachers.
TSC reports that the 36,504 teachers who were recently promoted are now in the process of having their payroll prepared.
After being transferred from one grade to another, this group of instructors will see an increase in pay.
By June 15, 2024, the commission hopes to have completed the process of upgrading the teachers on its payroll.
A memo, dated today and signed by M.A. Sango, the interim director responsible for Human Resource Management and Development, instructs all unit heads to make sure they have completed at least 75% of the cases that are due by the end of May.
“There is a need to expedite the increase in promotion IPPD Authorized Data Capture Sheets due to the stringent timelines.” This will allow us to advance at least 75% of the cases that are due by the end of May 2024 paycheck,” a portion of the memo states.
It will be mandatory for every officer to amend a minimum of fifty (50) IPPD Authorized Data Capture Sheets per day. In order to handle the volume of instances that are amended on a daily basis, the letter also advised the unit heads to find an additional Data Capture.
TSC Is Planning To Give This Teacher Category Higher Salary
According to the commission, eighty percent of the instructors who were promoted through Advert Nos. 46/2023 to 69/2023 to different grades, ranging from C2 to D5, remained at their existing posts.
The memo continues, “It is important to note that all promotions have to be effected on the payroll on or before June 15, 2024.”
Today, May 7, 2024, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) revealed plans to increase the remuneration of recently promoted teachers.
TSC Is Planning To Give This Teacher Category Higher Salary.
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