TSC JSS Deployment Letters will be sent to eligible P1 teachers.
TSC Deployment Letters for P1 to JSS. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will issue deployment letters to the third batch of Primary Teacher Education (P1) teachers. These are the students that will be eligible for junior school beginning in May 2024.
This effort addresses the considerable teacher shortage in junior secondary schools. TSC mentioned it earlier this year, in January of 2024.
Response from CEO
The CEO of TSC, Dr. Nancy Macharia, voiced worry about the serious teacher shortage in junior secondary schools.
Currently, there are roughly 56,928 instructors, but schools require approximately 99,045 teachers. To alleviate the deficit, TSC advertised 6,000 deployment spots for primary school teachers with secondary education degrees.
Procedure for application and deployment.
The deadline for submitting applications for these deployment slots was March 18, 2024. Those who have been chosen for service will begin receiving posting letters to work in junior secondary schools early next term.
TSC highlighted that deployment letters should be expected by qualified instructors who applied for deployment.
Sub-County Directors and Primary Headteachers are responsible for managing the release and reception of teachers as soon as they get their deployment letters in order to expedite salary payment.
At the Sub-County level, the County Directors will initiate the posting process by using the Entry or Exit Reports Module.
TSC Deployment Letters From P1 To JSS
The assignment of P1 teachers to junior secondary schools with deployment letters will be handled by the TSC Sub-County Directors. Teachers who will be deployed will go through all entry and exit procedures online. TSC no longer accepts or processes hard copy documents.
When a teacher remains at the same station, the Head of the Institution must submit the junior secondary school’s new admission report and complete the primary school’s exit procedure.
The purpose of these hastened processes is to successfully place qualified teachers in junior secondary schools, thereby addressing the severe teacher shortage.
TSC JSS Deployment Letters will be sent to eligible P1 teachers.
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