TSC Revamps 23 School Principals in Western Region.
Western Region School Principals are reorganized by TSC. 23 secondary school heads in Kakamega County were reallocated according to a letter from Margaret Kinyanjui, the county director of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
Benard Wamanga, the principal of Muhudumu Secondary School, will be attending Bokoli Boys High School in Bungoma County, where Simon Chimuche, of Kivaywa High School in Matete Sub-county, will take his place. This announcement was made just before the second term of courses began.
Boys from Bokoli Kakamega County’s Ingotse Boys High School is currently under the direction of Musonye Namusinde. At Shamberere Secondary School, Laban Sikolia will serve as the principal. Prior to being moved, Sikolia was the principal of Lukhuna Friends Secondary School.
In addition, Joseph Buluma was moved from Matisi Secondary in Trans Nzoia to Lusumu Secondary, while Pamela Mumia was appointed as the new head of St. Paul’s Lubinu Girls High School in Mumias East, taking Evelyne Vuhyah’s place.
Moving to Mugunga Secondary School is James Otieno, and Lucy Awuor, the principal of St. Mary’s Emusambe Secondary School, has been transferred to ACK Milimani Girls High School.
Alex Juma will step down and be replaced by Stephene Analo as principal of St. Stephen’s Mulwanda Secondary School.
Imbizi Chogo has been replaced at Lukume Secondary School in Kakamega North by Philip Matayo from Sigalame Secondary, while Ernest Were from Shibale Secondary has been moved to St. Peter’s Lubanga in Matungu Sub-county.
Enjinja Secondary’s Catherine Andola will be the head of St. Henry’s Saisi Wabuge Girls High School in the Likuyani Sub-county.
Now leading Kimang’eti Boys High School will be Nathan Murunga, while St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School will be under the direction of Caroline Lusichi, formerly the head of St. Mark’s Bukire Secondary School in Busia County.
Charles Shikuku becomes the new headmaster of Emwiru Mixed Secondary School in Khwisero Sub-county. TSC Reorganizes Principals of Schools in the Western Region.
TSC Revamps 23 School Principals in Western Region.
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