TSC teachers Salary reviews for C2 to C5 phase 1 are rising.
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) pays teachers’ monthly Basic compensation and Allowances 2024 (TSC phase 1 compensation hike) according to their job groupings.
The following benefits are available to teachers in various employment groups, depending on the area or center of work.
These allowances are :
- monthly Commuter Allowance ( which is Paid to all teachers)
- Monthly disability Guide Allowance (which is Paid to teachers working in special schools)
- Annual Leave Allowance (payable to all teachers)
- Monthly House Allowance (payable to all teachers)
- Monthly Hardship Allowance (token that is paid to teachers working in hardship areas)
- The Medical benefits (Payable to all teachers)
Teacher Transfer Allowance is paid to teachers on transfer at a rate of one month’s Basic Salary .
This payment is though subjected to the provisions of Regulation of the CORT
TS Notches refer to the number of annual increment in that job group
This is the monthly income that is tagged by the commission at a given job group
Grade TSCScale2024 Basic salary
Minimum Basic salary
Maximum List of Notches
- C2 7 34,955 43,694 6
- C3 8 43,154 53,943 6
- C4 9 52,308 65,385 7
- C5 10 62,272 77,840 7
TSC COMMUTER ALLOWANCE.p.mThis is the money that is paid to cater for transport services to and from school
Grade TSC Scale 2024 monthly
Commuter Allowance
- C2 7 5,000
- C3 8 6,000
- C4 9 8,000
- C5 10 8,000
This is the monthly installments that is paid to the teachers with different abilities to cater for the expenses of paying those who offer guide services to them
Grade TSC salary Scale Monthly disability Guide Allowance
- C2 7 20,000
- C3 8 20,000
- C4 9 20,000
- C5 10 20,000
Grade TSC teacher Scale A.L Allowance per year
- C2 7 6,000
- C3 8 6,000
- C4 9 6,000
- C5 10 6,000
paid to cater for the housing expenses incurred from the premises where they live to offer service to learners .
Grade TSC salary Nairobi Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii and Kitale under major municipalities Minor Municipalities other areas
- C2 7 16,500 12,800 9,600 7,500
- C3 8 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
- C4 9 28,000 22,000 16,500 13,000
- C5 10 35,000 25,500 18,000 15,400
An allowance paid to teachers who stay in hardship region prone to lack of water ,attacks as well as hostile communities and this allowance is paid with salary same in 2024 from other years.
Grade TSC salary Scale monthly Hardship Allowance
- C2 7 10,900
- C3 8 12,300
- C4 9 14,650
- C5 10 17,100
TSC C2 to C5 phase 1 salaries reviewed upwards (TSC phase 1 salary increment) .
TSC teachers Salary reviews for C2 to C5 phase 1 are rising.
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