TSC will raise promoted teachers’ salaries next month.
The process of updating the compensation for recently promoted teachers to appropriately reflect the higher salary that come with their enhanced status has begun, according to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
TSC has begun the payroll preparation process for the 36,504 teachers who recently got promotions and grade level upgrades; as a result, their salaries will increase.
The commission hopes to complete the process for updating the teachers’ promotions on its payroll by June 15, 2024, with a daily burden of 2,500 files.
In an internal memo dated today and signed by M.A. Sango, the interim director responsible for human resource management and development, all unit heads have been directed to make sure they have recorded at least 75% of cases that are due by the end of May.
In light of stringent deadlines, the memo states that enhanced marketing of IPPD Authorized Data Capture Sheets must happen quickly.
According to the memo, by taking this measure, at least 75% of the cases will be promoted by the time the payroll closes in May 2024.
The letter further stipulates that every officer needs to make adjustments to at least fifty (50) IPPD authorized data capture sheets every day.
Moreover, it motivates unit leaders to find new ways to collect data so they can efficiently oversee the daily task.
According to the commission’s findings, eighty percent of the educators who were promoted through Advertisements Nos. 46/2023 to 69/2023 to different grade levels (C2 to D5) remained in their existing roles.
The memo emphasized how important it is to put all promotions into effect by June 15, 2024, on the payroll.
TSC will raise promoted teachers’ salaries next month.
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