TSC’s July Salary Increase Circular for phase 2 pay increases per job group.
TSC teachers salary increment, TSC has released a circular regarding implemention of Salary increment phases for teachers for both phase and phase 2 starting July 2024.
Part to circular reads as follows;
TSC first phase of the third implementation cycle for teachers’ Salaries
Starting 28th August, 2023, Teachers Service Commission signed an addendum Agreement to the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA).
TSC teachers salary increment
The agreement was signed together with the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT),the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) as well as the Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET).
According to the agreement, there was a review of the remuneration payable to teachers that is to be implemented in two (2) phases .
The first phase took effect from 1st July 2023.
As per to the agreement, second phase is tobe implemented on 1st July 2024 as those to benefit will be the teachers who will be in service at the material period.
Mode of Application of circular
The agreement indicate that the circular shall apply to all teachers who are employed by the Commission and are in service as at 1st July, 2023.
Agreement on Incremental Dates
As per to the agreement, those teachers who are converting into the new salary scales are to retain their current incremental dates.
In the cases where the incremental date falls on 1st July, 2023, the teachers will be granted their annual increment on the existing salary scales.
It further clarifies that the commission will convert to the new salary points with effect from the same date.
Teachers Annual Salary Increment
About th Annual salary increment for all teachers , the commission will continue to apply as clearly defined in the Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015).
Teachers Grading and Salary Structure
As per to TSC , Grading structure and the teacher designations will continue to apply as set out.
On new salary structure and Conversion Tables, it will be don after the review are as set out in Tables 2-12 attached to tsc Circular.
Teachers Allowances
TSC has categorized teachers House allowance rates into four (4) clusters namely:
These include:
Cluster 1 covering Nairobi City
Cluster 2 covering parts of Mombasa, Kisumu and Nakuru Cities, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika.
It also covers parts of Kisii, Malindi and Kitale municipalities.
Cluster 3 covers the other former municipalities.
Cluster 4 also covers all other areas.
The circular indicates that the House allowance rates for Clusters 1, 2 and 3 havebeen retained as it is.
On the other hand ,Cluster 4 house allowance rates have been reviewed to be implemented in two phases.
For phase 1,first phase has been factored in the August payroll as the areas got arrears backdated to 1/7/2023.
For phase 2, teachers will be paid starting on 1/7/2024.
The TSC house allowance rates are indicated in Appendix A under the circular.
According to the circular, the other Allowances paid shall continue where applicable as per to Appendix B
TSC teachers salary increment
TSC’s July Salary Increase Circular for phase 2 pay increases per job group.
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